It’s time to speak about the UNSPOKEN

An Unique workshop created to educate every young women about their sensitive secrets and gifts


  • How is the female body made and its function
  • What is the role & phases of the menstrual cycle
  • How the lifestyle & mindset affects the body
  • What alternative ways can be used to keep the period regular & bearable
  • How to embrace & accept her feminity

Our Mission

What is the Menstrual Cycle?

…get answers for all your hidden questions!

A Curse?

This topic
will be explained!


A Blessing?

This power
will be Clarified!

A Taboo?

This item
will be deleted!

A Change?

This shift 
will be elucidated!

own the control

Being goddess Shakti, the divine power is bestowed to us

Learn how to accept your cycle
as your guide in…

  • Physical and Mental exploration
  • Unfolding your feminine life-journey
  • Deepening your spiritual nature
  • Fullfilling the call of creation

Get the knowledge which will
help you to:

  • Tame your fluctuating energy
  • Master the periodical changes of your body
  • Alleviate menstrual problems (e.g. cramps, mood swings, irregular or absent periods etc.)

Our Vision

Under the protection of our RED TENT shelter

Get the knowledge in easy, playful and interactive way.
Gain awareness about Alternative Approaches.
keep your body Happy & Healthy.

Use the MAGIC OF


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Summa Ramesh Babu

Know more about RED TENT workshop

Know about Summa Ramesh

Summa Ramesh is a Certified Yoga Therapist, Yoga Master Trainer, and Functional Nutritionist and the Founder of;

  • RedTent
  • Sankalp Yoga 
  • Sankalp Ayurdhara
  • Sankalp Functional Nutrition

Specialized in:

  • Women Yoga Therapy
  • Pre-Natal, Post-Natal Yoga
  • Pre-Post Cancer rehabilitation
  • Lifestyle Disorder Management


RED TENT Workshop is delicately tailored for education of
  • Young girls just before or at the beginning of their menstrual age
  • Young women struggling with taboos and mysteries surrounding the topic of their monthly periods
  • Women facing their regular troubles during their menstrual cycle
The workshop takes place at:
  • Your School or college
  • Your company / Campus
  • External retreat center
  • Sankalp Yoga Shala center

Enroll for RED TENT workshop

Ask us for detailed consultation on the workshops and details

Contact Info:

+91- 99809 03833

731, 13th Cross, Jayanagar 6th Block, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560070

Batch Details:

Duration: 1 Day (3 Hours) or 2 Days

Batch Size: Min 50 and Max 150 participants

Requirements: Projector, Screen and Microphone

We Provide: Print Materials, Ayurvedic Refreshments and Yoga Props

Enquiry from Redtent